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Quota Policy


Excessive use of storage resources impacts all users, general system stability, and performance. The purpose of this policy is to define the storage allocation for individual user accounts and the actions that will be taken to remediate storage excesses. The intent of this policy is to encourage responsible use and management of the storage services provided by CSBS servers.


Users are required to manage the storage allocated to them within the limits set by their quota. CSBS will attempt to contact users who exceed their storage allocation via email before any action is taken to resolve storage difficulties. If contact and resolution are not possible or timely, CSBS will take actions necessary to protect the stability and performance of its services for all users. These actions include moving or archiving user data, and possibly locking accounts.

Quota Defaults

A "quota" is a file-system setting that governs the amount of disk storage a user is allowed to use.

At this time storage quotas are in effect for the home (N: drive) storage and shared folder (S: drive) stoage. Mail folders are governed by the Umail storage quota.

Email Quotas:

UIT and the Umail team controls the email quota policy and procedure.
Umail quotas can be checked using tools at

Home (N: drive) Quotas:

All accounts hosted by CSBS Computing are initally llocated home storage of 50 GB.

Saving files to home storage will be prohibited when a user's home storage exceeds the limit at any time.

Share (S: drive) Quotas:

All shares, folders within the S: drive, are initially allocated storage of 50 GB.

Saving files to shares will be prohibited whan a the share exceeds the limit at any time.


We understand users may be away for extended periods of time or may need increases in their quota to address special project demands. To request an increase please submit a helpdesk request detailing the amount needed, the justification for this increase, and term that this increase will be required. You may want to consider leasing storage.

Quota Notifications

Each evening, our system will review disk storage for each user and send warning emails to each user that is near their limit (within 5%) or at their limit. These are the only notices that will be sent to warn users of excessive storage. The notices will be sent to the user's Umail address.

Checking Your Quota

Please reach out to us at 801-585-8985 or submit a ticket to check your quota.

Last Updated: 5/14/21