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Laptop / Personal Computer Connection Agreement

By accepting network access you hereby agree to abide by all CSBS network policies as outlined in this document as well as those outlined under the "Policies" section of our site.

You will be responsible for being aware of policy changes, scheduled outages, and other system notices e-mailed to you. All University business must be conducted through Universty systems, meaning you need to use your offical University email for this communication.

You must agree to:

  1. Keep your operating system updated with the latest security patches and critical updates. This is for your protection as well as the protection of other machines on the network.
    1. For Windows based computers, go to Windows Update.
    2. For Apple computers, run Software Update.
  2. Your computer must require authentication and no blank passwords. It cannot auto-login after restarting.
  3. You must have an Anti-Virus software running and updated weekly while using the CSBS network. No trial versions will be allowed. You can obtain an inexpensive Anti-Virus solution through the Office of Software Licensing.

Understand that failure to comply with either of these requirements is grounds for immediate removal of access to the network. If you do not keep your operating system and anti-virus updated regularly your personal computer will be permanently disconnected from the network.

Any attempt to exceed access privileges, malicious or otherwise, on or from the CSBS network will result in immediate termination of network access, your CSBS account and possibly University of Utah disciplinary action.

This connection is limited to: Basic internet access and printing.
You will not be able to map network drives (i.e. your N: drive) without VPN access. Click for instructions on Mapping Network Storage.

If you accept these terms, you may proceed by creating a helpdesk request. If possible, please include your computer’s hostname, MAC address, and serial number. A member of CSBS Computing staff will contact you to arrange a time for review of your request.

For questions or support, please contact the help desk.

Last Updated: 5/14/24